Directed by Afonso Poyart, the thriller follows FBI Special Agent Joe Merriwether (Jeffrey Dean Morgan) after he enlists his former colleague Dr. John Clancy (Hopkins), a retired physician with physic powers, to help him track down a murderer. At first Clancy, who left his old life behind after the death of his daughter and subsequent break-up of his marriage, wants nothing to do with the case. He then changes his mind after seeing a disturbingly violent vision, which leads him to suspect Charles Ambrose (Colin Farrell). Though he soon realizes is that his abilities are no match against the killer.
Written by Sean Bailey and Ted Griffin, the film is produced by Beau Flynn, Thomas Augsberger, Tripp Vinson, Matthias Emcke, and Claudia Bluemhuber. Executive producers include Bailey, Jacob Pechenik, Gerd Schepers, and Hopkins.
The thriller premiered at the 2015 Toronto International Film Festival and was released oversees, grossing $22 million. It was originally scheduled to be arrive in theaters earlier this year via Relativity Media, but was then acquired by Lionsgate Premiere.