FOX is Remaking 'Escape From New York'

escape from new york remake

Fox has emerged from competitive bidding and closed a deal to remake the 1981 John Carptenter-directed  classic Escape From New York. Andrew Rona and Alex Heineman’s The Picture Company will produce.

This is like a knife to the gut, but all may not be lost. John Carpenter will be an executive producer on the film and will, via Deadline, exert creative influence over the project. Fox’s Mike Ireland brought it in and will steer. The hope is to reinvent the property with an eye toward launching a new franchise.

Escape From New York Remake Happening

Does it suck that Escape will be remade, yes. But knowing that Carpenter will lead the creative on it does put me at ease. Plus I happy to see Carpenter get that check, after all the classics he has created he deserves it.

My only gripe with the whole remake is know that I will not get the chance to see Kurt Russell don the eye patch one last time as Snake Plissken. Kurt could cameo if asked by Carpenter, but the studio might not want any ties to the original.

At this time there is no script and no cast, they are starting from scratch and all the previous "news" about the remake was just fluff. This is the first and only time that a remake was laid on the table.

Are you for or against a remake of Escape From New York?