Natasha Lyonne stars in this comedy-drama series as Nadia, a young woman who is on a journey to be the guest of honor at her 36th birthday party in New York City. But she gets caught in a mysterious loop as she repeatedly attends the same event and dies at the end of the night each time -- only to awaken back in the bathroom of the party and unharmed as if nothing had happened. In addition to starring, Lyonne co-created the show with "Saturday Night Live" alum Amy Poehler and serves as a writer and director for the Netflix original series.
Natasha Lyonne stars in this comedy-drama series as Nadia, a young woman who is on a journey to be the guest of honor at her 36th birthday party in New York City. But she gets caught in a mysterious loop as she repeatedly attends the same event and dies at the end of the night each time -- only to awaken back in the bathroom of the party and unharmed as if nothing had happened. In addition to starring, Lyonne co-created the show with "Saturday Night Live" alum Amy Poehler and serves as a writer and director for the Netflix original series.